SMNWR 6-23

Starting a bit earlier than usual, beginning 0630 at the double dikes. The early start provided little payoff except for five Wood Ducks near the double dikes, and some small relief from the heat.

Stony Bayou 1 - three Blue-winged Teal, Am. Flamingo, one each dark and white phase Reddish Egret, 27 White Pelicans, three Caspian Terns, many Least Terns (my previously expressed concern about a reduction in their numbers was apparently due to my inattention), many Wilson's and Semi-palm Plovers.

Lighthouse area - almost nothing on the salt flats, three Am. Oystercatchers, some Bl-b Plovers; off shore at least three N. Gannets, probably more but distance was a problem for nailing them to certainty; Gray Kingbird continues near lighthouse, giving a Fish Crow a boxing lesson.

South 122 levee (cement bridge) - walked in to the bend, salt flats were empty. Common Nighthawk and MS Kite overhead, and an imm. Yellow-cr Night Heron walking ahead of me on levee.

Headquarters Pond - five Purple Gallinules without looking hard

The "dead forest" - at least 15 R. Spoonbills in open water area near the electric box north of HQ Pond

Fish kill, Lighthouse Pool, part 2 - fewer of the large drum (~24") are visible today, but they are very noticeable if you are downwind. Watched a very large alligator grab a carcass, thrash it in half, and swallow it in two big gulps.

Matt Johnstone