SMNWR, 11-11, Cinnamon Teal, Gannet, jaegers

I wish Cyndi and I had realized earlier this morning that the refuge closure ended yesterday; because of the late start we missed the frigatebirds that others will undoubtedly report. Nevertheless, a good day.

A first year Franklin's Gull (spotted by Kathleen Coates) was on East River Pool. Unfortunately, one of the regular anglers that frequents SMNWR was wading around in the pool fly fishing and spooking the birds. Technically, the pools are only closed to boats from 10/15 - 3/15, but the purpose of the closure is to not disturb wintering waterfowl, so wading shouldn't happen. I know the guy and will send him an email. The gull and lots of other birds were still present on our way out later.

A Cinnamon Teal was on Lighthouse Pool (bad digiscope image attached). I do not believe the bit of white at the base of the bill is the correct shape or location to boot this bird into the limbo of hybrids.

Two jaegers were seen flying offshore. One was not too distant, but was flying - fast - directly away, the other distant but viewed for a few minutes in east to west flight. Robust, strong birds, with direct and powerful flight, so either Pom or Parasitic.

A single N. Gannet offshore.

A peregrine blasted through Lighthouse Pool clearing out most of the many hundreds of shorebirds; it flew off to the east, made an impressive stoop into another group of shorebirds and flew off out of sight.

FOS Buffflehead, Scaup (Lesser and sp.), Common Loon, Horned Grebe, and lots of Herring Gulls.

Matt Johnstone