Flamingo Movements

I made a brief, low effort birding foray into the refuge, which included visits to East River Pool, Lighthouse Pool, the bay, Picnic Pond, and the south end of Mounds #3.

Arrived at East River Pool fishing pier at about 10 am and did not see the flamingo with a naked eye scan.  The Vermilion was present. While I was setting up my scope, here comes the flamingo flying toward me, vocalizing continuously, and passing just to the south across Lighthouse Road. 10:07 am. I followed it with the scope as it continued to the far end of Stony Bayou #1 before making a turn east. Its flight was direct and continuously flapping until shortly after it made its east turn, when it began to alternate flapping and gliding and gradually losing altitude as it appeared to be settling in to the east end of Stony Bayou #2.

Nothing unusual to report for the rest of my circuit, but I did manage 15 sps of duck with misses on Black, Ruddy, and Blue-winged Teal. Lighthouse Pool and the bay were the most productive for ducks today. Picnic Pond seems the only reliable spot for Gadwall.  

If you have a low tolerance for mosquitoes, the walk out to the south end of Mounds #3 may be more hassle than it's worth.  I walked up to the edge of the closed area and duck numbers and diversity were the lowest I've seen here in several weeks. I had a few dozen individuals, mostly Mallards and Hoodies, of six species. 

An otter was swimming around and being curious at the northern double bridge.
