A Rare Hybrid

A few highlights from a mid-day swing through the refuge

Canvasbacks and Ring-necked Ducks on Lighthouse Pond

Scaup, Redhead, Bufflehead, Goldeneye, Common Loon, Horned Grebe in the Bay

Good numbers of shorebirds in Tower Pond (thank you south wind and high tide) including one Wilson's Plover along the near shore as you walk in from the south. I missed it on the way in, but heard it call and put in more effort scanning to find it on the way out.

South end of Mounds #3 had at least 7 Black Duck among the good numbers of the expected species (although I suppose Black Duck are expected this time of year, although I've heard there are some doubters on iNaturalist)) and the Blue-winged x Green-winged Teal hybrid was present.  I apparently get more excited about hybrids than most birders, so forgive me a couple more comments on this bird. As I had previously stated, this bird is not what I'd expect from a blending of the characteristics of the parents in plumage, size, or bill length.  So I wonder if there's some proto-teal genetic material lurking in the basement that finds release through hybridization. A fantasy of someone with little background in genetics. It is also interesting (at least to me) that two very common species with a high degree of range overlap so rarely hybridize, especially since they're waterfowl - notorious for hybridization. 

The small, circular pool at the south end of Mounds #1 (just north of the T-dike) and adjacent to Lighthouse Road continues to have good numbers of White-faced and Glossy Ibis. These are very tame ibis and it's a great place to study the differences between the species. Afternoon light makes for much better viewing at this location.
