SMNWR, 12/27, hybrid Aythya

A hybrid Aytha was on lighthouse pool today.  One parent was obviously a Canvasback, because the duck was very close to a male Can in appearance.  It had the long, sloped bill, but it was not all dark and it was patterned like a Redhead's; the back was very light but just a bit grayer than in a pure Canvasback; the eye was orange, not red.  The head seemed somewhat darker than either a Canvasback or Redhead so I initially thought it might by half Scaup.  But I now think that the bill pattern and no contrast between the back and sides makes Redhead the more likely other parent.  

Another duck of interest today was a stunning adult male Surf Scoter that was swimming and diving very close to the bar that extends out from the end of the boat ramp channel.